The Ancient Ado'lere Kingdom

In modern-day Niger Delta, Nigeria.

"The human mind is the best rectifier of anomalies, once illuminated by truth, it leaps gallantly to another parallel of reason" by Ikechukwu Iyeke
Your Donations Appreciated

Ado'lere Afar Heritage Humanitarian Council

Preserving the Hebrew Heritage





Life takes us through many involuntary struggles until we resolve ourselves, or rather, with the life of the life in us. I stopped asking why? but how?. How Can we resolve the intricate knots that our past has wrought on the present. Our actions and inactions will be the lots of the future. To change the damning courses of humanity, we need to upset the predicament by truthfully confronting the past to save the future. There is no other way.

I thank you for your time. Welcome to Adolere.

Ikechukwu Iyeke




Adolere is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the study and preservation of Hebrew history, as well as the promotion of socio-economic well-being through humanitarian activities.

Our goal is to assist Hebrews reconnect with their past, allowing them to look forward to a more prosperous and well-directed future. People who are ignorant of their past will never have a future to look forward to.

Is to restore the past, organize the present and protect the future

Decoded messages
  1. The first triangle is priest and brother missionaries with loads of Hebrews protecting father.
  2. The second is peace to the king of the Hebrews: inner truth..

IDEHI – The Journey Continues 

Religion is the doctrine laid down by other men while spirituality is a direct relationship with nature (Almighty God )

Our aim & objective

History to the Hebrews is as water is to the survival of fish. One of their functional name for God is ‘Elohem or Elohe’ (Elohim) which means ‘remember and remember me.
for over three thousand years they kept that promise, documenting for humanity, the history of the intellectual evaluation of Man and God.

They documented them in scriptures, pyramid, library and museums, as we fill up the spaces for the past 2000 years. we hope to be able to return and save its history in a university library and museum.

Ancient Hebrew Kingdom
(Anioma land)

conscience is an open wound, which only the truth can heal.”
– Usman Dan Fodio
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